That is one of my favorite things to say to my husband, who is a partial hoarder. : )
Anyway, today we did just that. We decided as a family we were going to spend today trying to get the garage and house cleaned out of the trash/ personal property that was left behind by the previous owners. I am happy to say, with the help of the neighbor across the street we were able to get our goal accomplished!!
Here are some before pictures of the garage:
Before picture of the dumpster:

Some of our favorite finds of the day (notice the pants Lucas found and wore for most of the morning)
We had time to trim up the trees and clean out a super trashy area in the yard:

We also had some fun breaking up some cabinets:
Thankfully the neighbor came to help us with some of the final items from the house. It was getting dark and we were pretty tired. We probably wouldn't have finished without him. But we did! The house and garage are basically clear and ready for demo/ construction!