That is a great question. Here we are, the beginning of October. The guest house was supposed to open end of May/ early June. Not to bore you with a long drawn out story, we had delay after delay and eventually had to complete the project ourselves. Not the original game plan but sometimes that happens. After lots of all nighters, our construction phase is complete. Our appraisal has been signed off on for our construction loan and we can move forward working on details and furniture. I have compiled some before and afters so you can see where we are now. They are more like before and kind of finished : ) Once we finish the details we will have true afters.
In a moment of 100% truthfulness, this project ended up being one of the hardest things we have done. We have had to put all of our physical, mental, and emotional energy into getting the home appraisal ready. We are so thankful that that portion is complete, but our physical/ mental/ emotional reserves are gone. We have no strength or energy to even think about decorating, furnishing, and attending to final details.
So, the next question of "so when will you be open?" is a really hard one. I am a determined and driven person, so I would love to give you a date. I would love to say "2 weeks!" and smile and go hang curtains. But right now I just don't have the motivation and I have spent too much time away from my kids. So right now, I am going to to their soccer games, selling some houses (my real job), and at some point I am going to sleep. Then the curtains will go up, furniture will go in, and you will be the first to know when we are going to open.
Here are the pictures: (props to Cole Farlow, my amazing photographer who has now taken the befores, the kind of finished, and will ultimately take the actual afters)

Thanks for reading and supporting this renovation.